

This astute observation:

text reading my dog smells like tostitios chips

reddit.com / Via u/theweebwalking


Grandpa’s insomnia cure:

someone saying they have insomnia and the person comments pray pray the devil will put you to sleep

reddit.com / Via u/utopilo


This important family update:

facebook post reading my son is in prison for triple homicide

reddit.com / Via u/alexplay_despacito


This very necessary update:

facebook post reading i just threw up

reddit.com / Via u/born70yearslate


This very specific question:

facebook post reading how to turn off capital letters on a dell 2009 computer

reddit.com / Via u/volka210


Everyone’s favorite app:

person saying they are 54 and love tic tacs when they mean tik tok

Touchstone Television / courtesy Everett Collection / Via Facebook: WomensHumor


The question on everyone’s mind:

facebook post reading what channel is netflix on

reddit.com / Via u/frozzle_fizzbang


Messages of condolence:

an old person who posted i don't care on someone announcing a death

reddit.com / Via u/anonymoususer1472


Grandma’s message of unity:

facebook post that reads we


This up close and personal message:

close up shot of a smile

reddit.com / Via u/whoaasif


This group membership:

a person trying to join a group and realizing they are already a member

reddit.com / Via u/ajinho


This very specific area of search:

person asking for help finding an electrician but the area is the entire united states

reddit.com / Via u/ghostbusters1337


This important question:

facebook post reading why can't i get facebook

reddit.com / Via u/afilthymutt


Everyone’s favorite toy:

a person asking where to find logo blocks when they mean legos

reddit.com / Via u/whatanonymity


A hell of a deal:

picture of an old fish that reads 2012 chevy

reddit.com / Via u/man-mann


Joanne’s comeback:

a woman using the wrong there when talking about hamburgers and a guy lectures her and she just responds hambrugers

reddit.com / Via u/optiguy42


Sharon’s request:

a person named sharon asking for amazon's phone number

reddit.com / Via u/ismellmypanties


An update on Margaret:

facebook post on laughing emojis that reads margaret has been admitted to the ward for chronic back pain

reddit.com / Via u/thealchemistpro


A message of gratitude:

facebook post reading thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes psoriasis treatment

reddit.com / Via u/_towhomitmayconcern_


Ruth’s cooking prowess:

a person named ruth comments i have not cooked a meal in seven years and i do not intend to start now on a cooking video


A warning:

a person saying they will remove someone from social media

reddit.com / Via u/slytrombone


Jerry’s memories:

youtube video of billie eilesh where someone comments this girl cracks me up like my niece michelle

reddit.com / Via u/imanagent


Shouts out to Phil:

a facebook post that just says good afternoon phil

reddit.com / Via u/drewlefever


Infinite toilet paper:

a picture of a large toilet paper roll with the comment new toilet paper holder enough paper for a month

reddit.com / Via u/dmhead77


A miracle:

facebook post reading there's a man in italy who is 101 born during the spanish flu pandemic got carnivorous and survived

reddit.com / Via u/spare_cat


A declaration of hate:

person posted i hate people on a background of poop emojis

reddit.com / Via u/rankyeti


And this distillation of the self:

facebook post that just reads "i'm"

reddit.com / Via u/mynameisntpinky

Wow. Never thought about it that way.


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