

Jen Lindley, played by the magnificent Michelle Williams, was the best character on Dawson’s Creek. She had so much crap thrown at her (seriously, the writers did her dirty) but she was resilient and more powerful than any terrible storyline she was bogged down in.

Image set of Jen talking about how bad her life is

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekcast.tumblr.com


She always stayed true to herself, even if other people didn’t quite get her.

Jen saying "This isn't a funk, it's my personality"

Warner Bros


Like, even when she became head cheerleader against her will, she didn’t compromise on who she was or what she stood for — and was totally iconic as a result.

Jen doing a deadpan cheer

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She always voiced her opinion and fought for what she thought was right.

Jen advocating for euthanasia in class

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekcast.tumblr.com


She called out sexist bullshit over and over again:

Jen ranting about the historically sexist use of the word "witch"

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekdaily.tumblr.com


She consistently and respectfully expressed her boundaries.

Jen telling Grams she wouldn't say grace

Warner Bros / Via cordysummers.tumblr.com


And she did it all with a keen sense of humor.

Jen asking Grams to say the word penis

Warner BRos / Via dawsonscreekdaily.tumblr.com


Despite being slut-shamed both implicitly and explicitly throughout the course of the show, she was very sex positive.

Jen giving Dawson sex advice

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekdaily.tumblr.com


She was smart and quick-thinking in every situation.

Jen covering up Joey's lie to a boy

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekdaily.tumblr.com


She refused to give in to petty girl-against-girl fights, and always worked hard to be a good friend to Joey, despite Joey not entirely deserving it a lot of the time.

Jen saying "Joey I plan to make it really hard for you not to like me"

Warner Bros


She also wasn’t afraid to call out Dawson on his ridiculousness.

Jen calling Dawson out

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekcast.tumblr.com


She had to deal with a lot of garbage men…and she knew exactly how to deal with them.

Jen dumping a drink on Charlie

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekdaily.tumblr.com


She was always unafraid to express her feelings.

Jen telling Joey she loves her

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekcast.tumblr.com


And she devoted herself to the people she cared about.

Jen telling Dawson she would do anything for him

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekcast.tumblr.com


She put the work in to improve her relationship with Grams, and it was beautiful.

Jen encouraging Grams to try new things

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekcast.tumblr.com


And she formed her own family with Jack, creating the actual most interesting soulmate bond on the show.

Jen giving Jack advice

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekcast.tumblr.com


In general, she was excellent at giving advice to everyone.

Jen giving Pacey love advice

Warner Bros / Via dawsonscreekcast.tumblr.com


She was a literal shoulder to cry on for the whole gang.

Jen comforting Dawson

Warner Bros / Via cordysummers.tumblr.com


And even in her dying moments, she was a good friend, a great listener, and funny as hell.

Jen comforting Jack while lying in a hospital bed

Warner Bros / Via dawsons-creeks.tumblr.com

Jen. Deserved. Better.


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