I traveled home home last weekend and dad began to relate some of the many incidents that have happened while I was away.
The most interesting was the one about a girl that jumped our 8feet, iron- barred fence to steal fruits.According to dad, the girl jumped the fence in the early hours of the day,and successfully gathered all the fruits she could find,mangoes,oranges,coconut,sycamore, and many others from our orchard.
We always lock the big gate every evening to open by 7.am. This marked the beginning of her problems. She calculated that if she should throw her “spoil” over the fence, early passersby would have the day.She went to a quiet portion of our garden and lay flat,waiting patiently waiting for daybreak.
By day break, daddy opened the gate,but didn’t go back inside,he went to get some eggs for the customary morning omelette. At this point our driver came to work.As the driver went into the house to sign up for the day’s work, the girl thought it the right time to make good her escape.
As she rushed with her load to the gate,dad was just right in front of the gate,and the driver on second thought decided to go find dad outside. She got trapped in!
Few minutes later the security were there, alarms blaring.The heartless boys ( some of whom I’m sure, have “chiked” the girl fruitlessly) dragged her out and had her badly whipped.
” but”, dad says, ” the girl said she knows you, that both of you were school mates”
The smart crook! She knew that I was an Achilles tendon for mom and dad.Though I couldn’t recall the exact girl, but from their description and the girl’s boldness, it seemed very obvious that she knew me.
Dad said they rescued her from the corps and gave her back all that she’d stolen in addition to some bucks. ” I observed that her problem was hunger..things are really hard,I pitied her” dad said, with that solemn look that I used to see on the priest’s face when he climbs the pulpit and gives the crowd the first look.
” for a beautiful girl like her to have condescended to this..”
Mom came in at this point. ” she said she was a school mate..but I know my boy didn’t and doesn’t climb fences,” ( I gave her a double side glance. Of course you should understand that glance.. I had my escapades in my own days!” )
I had jumped those fences so much that I perfected the “hands-off jump.
I kept a straight face. “That’s right mom” Lol!