Lead me to the cross by Hillsong united is one of my favorite of all the Hillsong hits. at first i had to get the lyrics and it really helped me to flow with song, and i won’t lie to you , i wept the first time i listened to it.i hope you would like it. see the lyrics below.download link is at the bottom of article.
Savior I come quiet my soul
Redemption’s Hill
Where you blood was spilled for my ransom
Everything I once held dear I count it all as loss
Lead me to the cross where your love poured out
Lead me to my knees lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself I belong to You
O lead me
Lead me to the cross
Verse 2:
You were as I tempted and tried
The Word became flesh bore my sin in death
Now You’re risen
Everything I once held dear I count it all as loss
To Your heart
To Your heart
Lead me to Your heart
Lead me to Your heart
click here to download