

You won’t find a single McDonald’s in the whole country.

A McDonald's sign against a gray sky with a superimposed red "no" symbol over it

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The last one in Iceland closed in 2009, and a new one hasn’t opened since.

Bonus fun fact: one Icelander decided to buy one last meal at the Golden Arches before it closed to see if the food would ever decompose. Ten years later, it still looked fresh.


Baby names have to come from the official register of approved names. Parents who want to choose a different name must request permission from the “Naming Committee” first.

A white baby with blue eyes looks into the camera with a confused face

Roger Wright / Getty Images

There are a few legal requirements under the the Icelandic Names Act, including the rule that names must “conform to the Icelandic Language.” And until 2019, all approved names were gendered. People with unapproved names are often legally known as “stĂşlka” (girl) or “drengur” (boy).


There are virtually no family names — in the traditional sense, anyway.

A family of four poses for a selfie on an Icelandic black beach with text explaining they all have different last names

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Iceland follows a patronymic or matronymic naming system, meaning that a person’s last name refers back to their immediate father or mother. For example, BjĂśrk’s last name is GuĂ°mundsdĂłttir, which literally means “daughter of GuĂ°mundur.” As of 2019, Icelanders who identify as non-binary are allowed to use the surname “-bur” instead, which means “child of.”


There’s an Elf School in Reykjavik where you can learn all about elves and the Icelanders who have supposedly interacted with them.

Tiny red houses stick out of the ground in a field with text explaining "where Iceland's hidden people live"

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According to a study from the University of Iceland in 2007, over 62% of Icelanders believe elves might be real. You’ll find little “elf homes” built into the landscape throughout the country.


ReykjavĂ­k once had a comedian as its mayor.

JĂłn Gnarr in a Jedi outfit stands next to Yoko Ono and Lady Gaga in a press photo

Associated Press/BuzzFeed

In 2010, comedian JĂłn Gnarr ran for mayor as a joke and to his surprise actually won. He ended up serving four years, although he did have to go back on some of his campaign promises, like adding a polar bear to the local zoo.


Buying books as gifts is a Christmas tradition. It’s called JĂłlabĂłkaflóð, which means “Christmas book flood.”

A woman sits on a bench overlooking Reykjavik next to a statue of an Icelandic poet

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And that’s not Iceland’s only literary fact: It also publishes more books per capita than any other country in the entire world!


Speaking of holidays, Icelandic children get presents on the nights leading up to Christmas from 13 “Yule Lads.

Drawings of all 13 Yule Lads ranging from kooky Santa Claus-like to evil-looking

Iceland.is / Via iceland.is

On the 13 nights before Christmas, kids put a shoe on their windowsill. If they’re good, a Yule Lad will leave a present inside. If they’re naughty, they’ll get rotten potatoes!


Parents often let their babies sleep outside, even in freezing temperatures.

A baby bundled up in warm clothes and blanket sleeps inside of a stroller outside

Famveld / Getty Images

According to the BBC, this is pretty common in Nordic countries, where parents believe the abundant fresh air helps the baby sleep better and wards away illness.


One of the best foods to get while in Iceland? A hot dog.

A hand holds a hot dog covered in mayo, ketchup, and fried onions

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It’s probably not what you expected, but ReykjavĂ­k is known for its hot dog stand, BĂŚjarins Beztu Pylsur, which has been open since 1937. The most popular dogs are made of lamb (abundant in Iceland!) and are best served with the works: Icelandic mustard, remolaĂ°i (remoulade) sauce, fried onions, raw onions, and Icelandic-style ketchup.


Someone once invented an app to make sure you’re not related to your date (awkward!).

A female hand holds a phone open to a dating app with text "brb, gotta check if we're cousins real quick"

Getty Images/BuzzFeed

On such a small, homogenous island, it’s not unheard of to unintentionally end up on a date with your second cousin. Designed by a group of Icelandic college students, the ÍslendingaApp let people vet their Tinder dates before they accidentally run into them at the next family BBQ. It doesn’t seem to be available anymore, but there’s always the trusty ÍslendingabĂłk, or “Book of Icelanders,” that provides info on Icelandic genealogy.


It’s home to Europe’s largest banana plantation…sort of.

Green bananas grow on a tree in a greenhouse with added text "grown via geothermal energy!"

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Technically, Spain grows more bananas on its plantations in the Canary Islands, but when it comes to growing them in the European region, Iceland wins. Using geothermal energy, the Icelandic Agricultural University is able to grow 1,100–4,410 pounds (500–2,000 kilograms) of bananas annually.


Icelanders love their ice cream so much, they have a word for “ice cream road trip.”

A Black woman with curly hair and sunglasses leans out of a blue van and smiles with an ice cream. Text above reads "get in, we're going on an Ísbíltúr"

Getty Images/BuzzFeed

Ísbíltúr basically describes jumping into the car, driving around, and ending with a delicious ice cream — aka our favorite summer activity. But despite the often cold temperatures in Iceland, locals love their ice cream trips year-round!


Reykjavík has a museum all about penises — no, seriously.

A wide view of the inside of the museum showcasing penis specimens and a superimposed shocked emoji

Getty Images/BuzzFeed

It’s called the Iceland Phallological Museum and it boasts over 200 “penises and penile parts” from different types of animals.


Designed in 1906, the country’s flag colors supposedly represent Iceland’s geography: mountains, ice, and fire.

The Iceland flag with added text explaining the red represents fire, blue represents mountains, and white represents ice

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The suggestion was made by Matthías Þórðarson, a national conservationist.


In 1980, the country elected the world’s first female head of state — ever.

VigdĂ­s FinnbogadĂłttir in a dated photo walks along a field of grass next to the water wearing a long cardigan and sunglasses

Getty Images/BuzzFeed

VigdĂ­s FinnbogadĂłttir — a divorced single mother — ran for president of Iceland and won, earning her the title of the “first female elected head of state anywhere in the world,” according to The Guardian.


There are around 130 volcanoes in Iceland, and roughly 30 of those categorized as currently active.

A volcano bubbled red-hot lava across an open field

Jeremie Richard / Getty Images

Fagradalsfjall, a long-dormant volcano located just outside of ReykjavĂ­k, recently erupted!


You could drive around the entire country in 17 hours (theoretically).

A map of Iceland shows a red route running along the coast with an arrow naming it as "the Ring Road"

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The Ring Road is an 828-mile (1,332-kilometer) road that roughly circles Iceland’s coast. Depending on the weather conditions, you could drive it in one day, but with so many gorgeous sights to see, we’re guessing you’d want to stop every once in a while.


In one town, you can find heart-shaped traffic lights.

A stop light against a blue sky with its yellow and red light, which is shaped like a heart, lit up

Nurphoto / Getty Images

Akureyri, a town in the north of Iceland, implemented hearts into the design of their stoplights shortly after the economic crash of 2008. According to the mayor, the lights are meant to remind Icelanders to stay positive.


And finally, Iceland is the only place in the world where you can swim between two tectonic plates.

A diver floats between two cliff walls underwater with text describing the left as the north american plate and the right as the eurasian plate

Getty Images/BuzzFeed

This rift is called Silfra and is located within Thingvellir National Park. You can dive or even snorkel, since the water is so clear you can see far down below.

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illustrated city skyline

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