
So, the first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier dropped on Friday, and Y’ALL!!! It’s SO good already!!!

Marvel Studios/Disney+

When I say “Not All Men,” I specifically mean these two men.

But — before we get into things — a WARNING: This post is entirely framed around the ENDING moments of the episode, so, if you haven’t watched it yet, bookmark this post, go watch it, and come back…please…I’ll wait for you!

Marvel Studios/Disney+

God, I miss you so much already…

Okay, everyone who doesn’t want to be spoiled gone? GOOD!

Just a few quick questions: WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HECK WAS THAT ENDING?! WHO IS THIS? Who are you, Sir?!* GTFO outta here!!!

John Walker dressed exactly like Steve Roger's Captain America

Marvel Studios/Disney+

*Since this is my job, I do — in fact — know that this is John Walker/U.S. Agent, a character from the comics who is best described as “just the worst.” But it’s so much more fun to be like, “WHO TF IS THIS?!” Let me have fun! Oh and, speaking of fun, here’s a bonus fun fact: He’s played by Wyatt Russell, son of Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn!

Anyway, the internet (OF COURSE) had some hilarious reactions to the shocking final shot of the episode, so we took to Twitter and Tumblr to round up some of the very best and curated them into this easy to enjoy list! Ready? Here we go:


This Marie Kondo nightmare:


This common bitch:


This disappointed (but not surprised) face:


This angry moon man:


This recasting:


This A+ meme use:


This out-of-context Schmidt:

Twitter: @oocsitcoms


This “Hey, no thanks!”:


This simple request:


This stolen shield:


This The Office crossover:


And this OTHER The Office crossover:


This Cap-ception:


This imposter syndrome:

Twitter: @SupernalRealm


This diet Cap:


This absolute nightmare:


This murder plan:


This accurate clip use:


And finally, of course, this classic:

What did YOU think about the first The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode? Share all of your thoughts and feelings in the comments below…OH! And, if you loved what you read, be sure to click through and follow your favorite creators on both Twitter and Tumblr to make your timelines more fun, nerdy places to be!


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