
A husky running right towards the camera

Nathaniel Wilder / Reuters

Bruce Linton’s team races out of the chute during the official restart of the Iditarod Race in Willow Alaska March 8, 2009.

Al Grillo / Associated Press

Left, Christine Williams, 2, of Akiak, Alaska, hugs Polar Bear, one of the dogs in the dog team of her father in 2000. Right, two sled dogs wait for their turn to be looked over by a veterinarian at the Iditarod headquarters in 2002.

Rob Stapleton / AP

Raymee Redington of Knik, Alaska, looks over his gear to try to decide what to leave behind in Rainey Pass, Alaska, March 9, 1987. Many mushers feel that in order to speed up their progress they must unload any unnecessary weight.


Kazuo Kojima of Tokyo, Japan, and his dog team cruise along thrilling Alaska range and weather the hard-packed wind-blown snow, March 9, 1987.

ASSOCIATED PRESS, Jean-erick Pasquier / Getty Images

On the left, musher Libby Riddles in Nome, Alaska, shortly after crossing the finish line, thus becoming the first female champion of the Iditarod. Right, a man and his dog on the Iditarod.

Ezra Shaw / Getty Images

A sleeping dog lays down in straw and a blanket during the Iditarod Trail Race in Talkotina, Alaska, in 1999.

Sleeping dogs in straw on the snow and a dog with frost on its whiskers

Al Grillo / AP

Left, Three-time Iditarod champion Martin Buser of Big Lake, Alaska, and his dogs take a break from the 1,100-mile sled dog race after reaching the Nikolai, Alaska, checkpoint about 350 miles from Anchorage. Right, a member of Dee Dee Jonrowe’s Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race team in 2000.


Kotzebue, Alaska, musher Ed Iten takes a nap in the Rainy Pass, Alaska, checkpoint in the Alaska Range during a break in the second day of the 1,100-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on Monday, March 8, 2004.

Al Grillo / AP

Norwegian musher Bjornar Andersen pets one of his sled dogs as he puts them to bed in the Takotna, Alaska, checkpoint Wednesday, March 9, 2005, as he takes his mandatory 24-hour rest break in the 1,100-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.

An overhead shot of dogs running through the woods

Al Grillo / AP

A musher drives his team along the Iditarod Trial Sled Dog Race through the trees on the Farewell burn area in 2005.


Left, Stan Zuray of Tanana, Alaska drives his team along the Iditarod Trail as it parallels Knik-Goose Bay Road in Wasilla, Alaska in 1996. Right, Martin Buser drives his dog team into the Rainy Pass, Alaska in 1997.

AP Photo

Steve Vollertsen of Takotna rests his dogs and his feet during a stop at Rainy Pass, Alaska, March 1, 1979, after traveling 203 miles from Anchorage in his first run in the Iditarod Sled Dog race to Nome.

Jean-erick Pasquier / Getty Images

An overhead shot of a musher and his sled on the icepack near Nome.

Reuters Photographer / Reuters

Musher Joe Garnie’s team, from Teller, Alaska, heads through the streets of Anchorage at the start of the 1999 Iditarod race.

Ezra Shaw / Getty Images

Harold Tunheim mushes his dogs through the finish line during the Iditarod Trail Race in Nome, Alaska in 1999.


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