
Welcome to the house where a handful of US senators lived for over 30 years.

CNN / Via youtube.com

There’s windows covered in bed sheets.

Mangled-ass blinds.

CNN / Via youtube.com

Blown-out wall sockets.

CNN / Via youtube.com

A busted out chair.

CNN / Via youtube.com

A tub of lotion on a dirty cabinet top, next to a phone that doesn’t work.

CNN / Via youtube.com

And a teapot from the 1800s on a stove that has never been used.

CNN / Via youtube.com

No, this isn’t the first off-campus apartment of every straight guy you went to college with. This is apparently where grown-ass United States senators lived.

CNN / Via youtube.com

Apparently Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Dick Durbin, and Congressman George Miller lived here while they were working in Washington D.C.

CNN / Via youtube.com

According to the NY Times, a “revolving group” of U.S. lawmakers lived here for over 30 years. The house, which was owned by Congressman Miller, was finally sold in 2014.

A 2013 CNN clip of the three Senators showing off their “pad” is going viral after the Yeah, But Still podcast posted it yesterday.

Twitter: @YeahStill

And luckily for us, the full version of CNN’s tour is still online and it’s completely and totally deranged:

CNN/ youtube.com

It’s basically this old Hilary Clinton meme in reverse.

In the entire video we see bulk spices that are clearly over 10 years old.

CNN / Via youtube.com

A mouse trap to catch what ever brave rodent would want to waddle through that mess.

CNN / Via youtube.com

A random cardboard cutout of Obama.

CNN / Via youtube.com

A couch from the early ’90s that you can basically smell.

CNN / Via youtube.com

Another couch that was definitely someone’s dead grandma’s and probably smells like Jean Nate and stale cigarettes.

CNN / Via youtube.com

And the stove, which, just like, had holes in it.

CNN / Via youtube.com

What did they eat?

CNN / Via youtube.com

Bulk boxes of cereal, of course.

CNN / Via youtube.com

They had records that haven’t been touched since literally 1982. Like I’m not making that up, Chuck Schumer said the same records were still there from the day he moved in in 1982.

CNN / Via youtube.com

That poster was definitely on the wall when they got the house, too.

CNN / Via youtube.com

The “medicine” cabinet is on top of a microwave.

CNN / Via youtube.com

The bed is unmade and they’re using a chair as a side table.

CNN / Via youtube.com

The air conditioner is just hanging out in the middle of the floor.

CNN / Via youtube.com

To call this a frathouse is an understatement.

CNN / Via youtube.com

It’s deranged.

CNN / Via youtube.com

The only things missing are a burnt out candle with cigarette ashes in it.

A coffee table that looks like this:

Jugs of empty whey protein on top of the cabinets.

And a sink full of hair.

While we didn’t get to see their bathroom, we can all agree this probably EXACTLY what we would have seen:


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